13 February, 2013

a little promise for the gherkin

DSCN4899, originally uploaded by summer pickles.
Today wasn't any sort of anniversary, birthday or cause to mark his birth. We just had a tricky day today, is all. But we hoped and wished and longed for him for so long - I feel like I should have been better prepared for this parenting gig. But, whew! It is hard work.

Tomorrow I'll be better, a kinder, more fun version of me.

Just look at how excited (and nervous) we were to be meeting him for the first time!

I'll be better tomorrow.

Chat soon xo

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to my other half who puts up with the mess, makes me happy and keeps me sane.
to my beautiful boys who give me so much i want to remember and make the everyday something to treasure.
to my mum who alway let me play with fabric and the good scissors, and who knows a lot of songs.
to my dad who was always happy for us to make a mess and who laughs at us when we deserve it.
to both parents for making sure i still got the work done.
to my dear friends for listening and for sharing the laughs.
and, to you for visiting!