23 May, 2008

what I did with my first day of maternity leave

day 1 maternity leave, originally uploaded by summer pickles.

1. got up way too early (7.30am) after an early breakfast wake up call from james brown at 5.30am
2. had brekkie - strawberry jam and peanut butter on toast and a mandarin (i love mandarins at the moment! would have been sardines on toast if I hadn't run out yesterday)...
3. read some of this incredible book...
4. had a lovely chat with my favourite mother-in-law in Sydney...
5. checked out some of my favourite blogs... am incredibly behind!
6. did a load of towels
7. enjoyed a phone call with the very gorgeous G in Sydney... not long to go now miss!
8. did another load of towels...
9. had a visit from an electrician... all bad news...
10. cleaned up a james brown accident in the loungeroom with much stressing about permanent staining to the new timber floors....
11. finished this amazing book - Cafe Scheherazade by Arnold Zable.... just incredible...

What's still planned for today...
1. have a visit from electrician number two for the day...
2. go to the shops for some real dog food...
3. buy some new smoke alarm batteries (i know, it's exciting stuff!)
4. sew sew sew

Have fun x

ps. I have been sewing! will have to post some pics... next time! x


leslie said...

oh so jealous! i have five weeks to go before my maternity leave starts and i CAN"T WAIT. enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

Veronica Darling said...

Congratulations on starting Mat Leave! YAY!

Can't wait to see your sewing pics lady! xoxo

Angela said...

Sounds very much like nesting to me : )

Thank you for the tip off in Box Hill, since I left my sewing project for the last minute I've come up with an alternative to the brown gingham. Something better would you believe!

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you for This Is. I would love to have you play along, I will add your link to the blog roll this morning.

Enjoy your rest and quiet before the little one arrives.

Fairlie - www.feetonforeignlands.com said...

Glad to see you're making the most of your maternity leave!

Isn't that book just fabulous? Everytime I walk past the cafe now, I am instantly transported back to that book.


to my other half who puts up with the mess, makes me happy and keeps me sane.
to my beautiful boys who give me so much i want to remember and make the everyday something to treasure.
to my mum who alway let me play with fabric and the good scissors, and who knows a lot of songs.
to my dad who was always happy for us to make a mess and who laughs at us when we deserve it.
to both parents for making sure i still got the work done.
to my dear friends for listening and for sharing the laughs.
and, to you for visiting!