20 April, 2013

he loves little peter rabbit

Funny, isn't it, just how different they are?
Baby Pickle just loves Little Peter Rabbit. Do you know that song? Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose...
At the ripe old age of eight months Baby is requesting that song by making meaningful eye contact and popping his little hands up as ears. He will keep doing it until you get the message -  such a sweetheart!
At eight months he is also crawling at great speeds, pulling to stand and cruising along the furniture. He refuses to be spoonfed - determined little man insists on self-feeding. He is trying so hard to clap (he tries at the end of every rendition of Little Peter Rabbit).
Love watching this new small person develop. What a privilege it is to be a mum.
Have fun, chat soon xx

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to my other half who puts up with the mess, makes me happy and keeps me sane.
to my beautiful boys who give me so much i want to remember and make the everyday something to treasure.
to my mum who alway let me play with fabric and the good scissors, and who knows a lot of songs.
to my dad who was always happy for us to make a mess and who laughs at us when we deserve it.
to both parents for making sure i still got the work done.
to my dear friends for listening and for sharing the laughs.
and, to you for visiting!