On other news, our home life has been tossed into turmoil yet again. Mr Pickles and I have decided to trial a role reversal for a few months... Mr Pickles is now stay at home dad, and I am off to work mummy. Not sure if I hate it yet, but I am not entirely comfy with it. I thought that working, being recognised for my brain etc would be a lot more fulfilling than this. I know that what is fulfilling is making the boys feel better when they have been unwell (as they have been recently with the dreaded gastro), making them laugh, building something together with them that we can all enjoy. But, having said that, work is also great sometimes. It is fantastic being recognised for my brain. It is incredible holding a challenging and intellectually stimulating conversation. It is good to have some adult company. And I do love dressing up to go to work!
Mr Pickles thinks this first 2 weeks of switcho-chango! have been extremely intense. That he has learnt more about his sons in the past two weeks than he has known all along. That this job is hard work. That he can't work out if he hates it yet, but he's not entirely comfy with it.
Who knows how it will end? But in the meantime, we are trying something new, and the boys seem to be enjoying it.
How about you? ever taken time away from your usual life to try something new?
Have fun xo